Produse pentru transport logistica (50)

Logistică - ADV

Logistică - ADV

Le service logistique et administration des ventes (ADV) d'Attractive Scent est essentiel pour assurer une distribution fluide et efficace de nos produits parfumés. Notre équipe logistique est responsable de la gestion des expéditions, garantissant que chaque commande est livrée à temps et en parfait état. Grâce à notre système de suivi avancé, nous assurons une traçabilité complète de chaque envoi, offrant ainsi une tranquillité d'esprit à nos clients. En parallèle, notre équipe ADV gère les relations clients avec professionnalisme et réactivité, s'assurant que chaque demande est traitée rapidement et efficacement. Leur expertise en gestion des commandes et en service client fait d'eux des partenaires précieux pour toute entreprise cherchant à optimiser sa chaîne d'approvisionnement. Faites confiance à notre service logistique et ADV pour garantir une expérience client exceptionnelle à chaque étape du processus.


Afin d’optimiser la gestion des expéditions, notamment dans le cadre d’une exportation, S2C - spécialiste de la caisserie et de l'emballage dans les Bouches-du-Rhône (13) - propose une prestation globale en matière de logistique industrielle. Vous bénéficiez ainsi d'une interlocuteur unique tout au long de la chaîne logistique.
Transport și vamă

Transport și vamă

Notre service de transport et douane est conçu pour offrir une solution complète et intégrée à nos clients. Nous gérons tous les aspects de la logistique, de la réception des matières premières à la livraison des produits finis, en incluant les formalités douanières. Notre équipe expérimentée assure un suivi rigoureux à chaque étape, garantissant ainsi une efficacité optimale et des délais de livraison respectés. En choisissant notre service de transport et douane, vous bénéficiez d'une tranquillité d'esprit totale, sachant que vos produits sont entre de bonnes mains. Nous nous engageons à fournir un service de haute qualité, avec une attention particulière portée aux détails et à la satisfaction du client. Notre service de transport et douane est un partenaire fiable pour toutes vos opérations de logistique internationale.
Serviciu de Logistică pentru Export

Serviciu de Logistică pentru Export

France Allium offre un service de logistique export complet, qui prend en charge toutes les étapes du transport, de la documentation à la livraison. Ce service est conçu pour les clients internationaux à la recherche de solutions efficaces et fiables pour l'exportation de leurs produits. La société garantit une gestion optimisée des flux de produits à destination des marchés étrangers. Avec ce service, les entreprises peuvent se concentrer sur leur cœur de métier tout en assurant une livraison rapide et sécurisée de leurs produits.
LOGISTICA NOASTRĂ - Serviciul de Export

LOGISTICA NOASTRĂ - Serviciul de Export

La société ROOTS gère rigoureusement toutes les étapes d’une expédition, depuis l’achat du produit à sa réception par le client à destination. Vos achats, une fois préparés par nos fournisseurs et conditionné, seront expédiées selon le mode de transport négocié avec le client le plus adapté à leur nature, leur valeur, au volume final de l’envoi, en tenant compte des impératifs inhérents à votre lieu de destination. Nous nous adaptons à vos besoins de transport et vous offrons de nombreuses solutions pour réaliser votre expédition dans des conditions optimales. ■ Transport par bateau, route ou avion. ■ Conteneurs complets ou envois en groupage. ■ Livraison à votre adresse ou au terminal.
Rampă mobilă de încărcare - AZ RAMP - Personalizată - Rampă mobilă de doc

Rampă mobilă de încărcare - AZ RAMP - Personalizată - Rampă mobilă de doc

Mobile loading ramp - Wharf ramp - Mobile dock Mobile loading ramp- AZ RAMP-Customised.
Închirierea produselor logistice - Închiriați paletele, containerele, containerele cu roți, cutiile de palet cu Rotomrent

Închirierea produselor logistice - Închiriați paletele, containerele, containerele cu roți, cutiile de palet cu Rotomrent

Rotomrent, filiale du groupe Rotom, propose des services de location d'équipements industriels. Vous connaissez un temps fort? Ou ne souhaitez pas investir dans du matériel? Pensez à la location de palettes. Louez vos roll conteneur ou vos caisses plastiques pour la durée que vous souhaitez. Contactez nous pour plus d'informations, ou pour demander un devis, c'est gratuit.
Studiul tehnologic al nevoilor dumneavoastră

Studiul tehnologic al nevoilor dumneavoastră

Avantage 1 Nous vous proposons plusieurs solutions de technologies compatibles. Avantage 2 Contraintes budgétaires et simplicité maximale sont prises en compte, vous faites le bon choix ! Avantage 3 Rapidité de conception, support technique et SAV sont également intégrés au projet.
Sigiliu de Securitate din Plastic - PLASTSEAL

Sigiliu de Securitate din Plastic - PLASTSEAL

CARACTERISTIQUES DU PRODUIT 2 longueurs disponibles : 200 ou 400mm Le premier scellé à lacet lisse, assure une fermeture de haute sécurité, sans effort Fermeture réglable, le lacet lisse permet une fermeture précise sur toute la longueur et donc un serrage maximum Scellé qui convient à toutes les fermetures Diverses dimensions disponibles Systèmes de verrouillage de haute sûreté grâce son insert métallique Convient pour la fermeture des sacs (fonds, courriers), sacoches, malles, camions, conteneurs grillagés, COLORIS Jaune, Rouge, Bleu, Blanc, Vert, Noir, Orange - Autres couleurs sur demande MARQUAGE Par thermogravure Marquage standard: PLASTSEAL Personnalisation possible à votre nom, sigle ou logo, nous consulter. Chaque scellé porte obligatoirement une gravure pour raison de sécurité. Code-barres : nous consulter.


Notre service de logistique est conçu pour offrir une solution complète et intégrée à nos clients. Nous gérons tous les aspects de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, de la réception des matières premières à la livraison des produits finis. Notre équipe expérimentée assure un suivi rigoureux à chaque étape, garantissant ainsi une efficacité optimale et des délais de livraison respectés. En choisissant notre service de logistique, vous bénéficiez d'une tranquillité d'esprit totale, sachant que vos produits sont entre de bonnes mains. Nous nous engageons à fournir un service de haute qualité, avec une attention particulière portée aux détails et à la satisfaction du client. Notre service de logistique est un partenaire fiable pour toutes vos opérations de transport et de distribution.
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 8 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 8 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

Hot-dip galvanized structure, anti-slip grating running surface 2 Lashing Chains, Quick Hitch for forklift forklift travel, ramp mounted on solid solid tires, 120 mm side safety rails Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 256 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-20. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 20 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-20. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 20 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. The + Products: AZ RAMP - EASY XL range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, electric forklifts with 3 wheels or 4 wheels. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 256 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit la Nivel - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit la Nivel - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Hot-dip galvanized structure, non-slip slatted running surface 2 Tie-down chains, Quick coupling hook for movement via forklift fork, ramp mounted on flexible solid tires, side castors height 350 mm Slopes: Mini: 9.00% - Maxi: 15.5% Applications: Specially designed for outdoor use on mixed terrain, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soils will be very efficient Loading / Unloading of Flatbed or Tautliner type trucks, wagons, containers maritime. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-10 OTC. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 10 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-10 OTC. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 10 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. The + Products: AZ RAMP - EASY XL range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, electric forklifts with 3 wheels or 4 wheels. Manual dock with roll bumpers Total length:12 400 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,050 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 480 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 270 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP PRIME WLO+ - Rampă mobilă pentru operațiuni de încărcare sau descărcare

AZ RAMP PRIME WLO+ - Rampă mobilă pentru operațiuni de încărcare sau descărcare

Rampe mobile, polyvalente et robuste, le modèle AZ RAMP PRIME WLO+ est le bon compromis entre utilisation régulière et tarif compétitif. Dans sa version de base, elle inclut ces avantages : . Utilisation mobile . fonctionnement et déplacement simple . construction robuste . capacité de 8t à 12t Disponible en stock pour les capacités standards Pièces détachées en stock Cette rampe est également accessible à la location sous deux formats : . Location courte et moyenne durée possible. . Contrat de financement en location financière pour longue durée. Caractéristiques : . Capacité : de 8t à 12t . Chasse-roues 50mm . Surface de roulement en caillebotis galvanisé à chaud, cranté, anti-dérapant . 2 chaînes d'arrimage . Hauteur ajustable de 90cm à 140cm S'utilise avec : . Remorque bâchée . Remorque tôlée . Conteneur . Quai . Wagon Domaines d'application : . Secteur automobile . Industrie . Surface logistique . Importateur / exportateur Utilisation:Mobile Capacité:de 8t à 12t Disponibilité:En stock
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-20-RL. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 20 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-20-RL. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 20 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. The + Products: AZ RAMP - EASY XL -RL range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, electric forklifts with 3 wheels or 4 wheels. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel și Tunel Acoperit - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel și Tunel Acoperit - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

Hot-dip galvanized structure, non-slip slatted running surface 2 Tie-down chains, Quick coupling hook for movement via forklift fork, ramp mounted on flexible solid tires, side castors height 350 mm Slopes: Mini: 9.00% - Maxi: 15.5% Applications: Specially designed for outdoor use on mixed terrain, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soils will be very efficient Loading / Unloading of Flatbed or Tautliner type trucks, wagons, containers maritime. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-10. Rampă Mobilă Industrială pentru Încărcare - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-10. Rampă Mobilă Industrială pentru Încărcare - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME XS range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:10 000 Kg Total Length:5.90 m Overall Width Outside:2,25 m Interior Width (Useful):2.10 m Penetration in the truck:30 cm
AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 12. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 12. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Hot Galvanized Notched Tray, Anti-Slip 2 Lashing Chains, Eccentric Quick Hitch Hook, Double Vulkollan Roller Ramp, 2 Adjustable Support Stands, Side Safety Rails Slopes: Min: 11.25% - Max: 15.56 % Applications: Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME PRIME WLO + is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:12 000 Kg Total Length:10.15 m Overall Width Outside:2,17 m Interior Width (Useful):2.00 m Penetration in the truck:25cm
AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-8. Rampă Mobilă Industrială pentru Încărcare - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-8. Rampă Mobilă Industrială pentru Încărcare - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Hot Galvanized Notched Tray, Anti-Slip 2 Lashing Chains, Eccentric Quick Hitch Hook, Double Vulkollan Roller Ramp, 2 Adjustable Support Stands, 120 mm Side Safety Rails Capacity:8 000 Kg Total Length:5.90 m Overall Width Outside:2,25 m Interior Width (Useful):2.10 m Penetration in the truck:30 cm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-10-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit Nivelat - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-10-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit Nivelat - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Leveling of the boom by manual hydraulic pump: Mini height: 900 mm -Maximum height: 1600 mm Hot-dip galvanized structure, non-slip slatted running surface 2 Tie-down chains, Quick coupling hook for movement via forklift fork, ramp mounted on flexible solid tires, side castors height 350 mm Slopes: Mini: 9.00% - Maxi: 15.5% Applications: Specially designed for outdoor use on mixed terrain, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soils will be very efficient Loading / Unloading of Flatbed or Tautliner type trucks, wagons, containers maritime. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-10 RL. Rampă de încărcare mobilă industrială cu protecție laterală - gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-10 RL. Rampă de încărcare mobilă industrială cu protecție laterală - gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME XS range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:10 000 Kg Total Length:5.90 m Overall Width Outside:2,25 m Interior Width (Useful):2.10 m Penetration in the truck:30 cm
AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 8. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 8. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME PRIME WLO + is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:8 000 Kg Total Length:10.15 m Overall Width Outside:2,17 m Interior Width (Useful):2.00 m Penetration in the truck:25cm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 12 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 12 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Hot-dip galvanized structure, anti-slip grating running surface 2 Lashing Chains, Quick Hitch for forklift forklift travel, ramp mounted on solid solid tires, 120 mm side safety rails Slopes: Min: 9.00% - Max: 15.5% Applications: Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 256 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12-RL. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivelare, Capacitate de 12 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-12-RL. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivelare, Capacitate de 12 t - Rampă Mobilă de Doc

Hot-dip galvanized structure, anti-slip grating running surface 2 Lashing Chains, Quick Hitch for forklift forklift travel, ramp mounted on solid solid tires, 120 mm side safety rails Slopes: Min: 9.00% - Max: 15.5% Applications: Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. The + Products: AZ RAMP - EASY XL -RL range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, electric forklifts with 3 wheels or 4 wheels. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP EASY XL - Ponton mobil pentru orice teren

AZ RAMP EASY XL - Ponton mobil pentru orice teren

Spécialement conçue pour une utilisation sur sol meuble ou non fini, le modèle AZ RAMP EASY XL offre de nombreux atouts : . Pente longue de 10m . Largeur utile : 210cm . Capacité de 8t à 20t . Fonctionnement et déplacement simple . Mise à niveau hydraulique . Construction robuste . Rambardes latérales de sécurité disponibles en option . Tunnel bâché pour la protection des utilisateurs disponible sur commande Modèle disponible en stock pour les capacités standards Pèces détachées en stock e référer à la version AZ RAMP EASY XL OTC pour disposer en plus : . Mise à quai par niveleur manuel . Béquilles de stabilisation, capacité 50t . Rambardes incluses Cette rampe est également accessible à la location sous deux formats : . Location courte et moyenne durée possible. . Contrat de financement en location financière pour longue durée. Caractéristiques : . Hauteur ajustable de 90cm à 155cm . Mise à niveau hydraulique . Pneus gonflables pour davantage de mobilité . Utilisation:Mobile tout-terrain Capacité:De 8t à 20t Disponibilité:En stock
AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 10. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME PRIME WLO + 10. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare Industrială - Gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Hot Galvanized Notched Tray, Anti-Slip 2 Lashing Chains, Eccentric Quick Hitch Hook, Double Vulkollan Roller Ramp, 2 Adjustable Support Stands, Side Safety Rails Slopes: Min: 11.25% - Max: 15.56 % Applications: Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME PRIME WLO + is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:10 000 Kg Total Length:10.15 m Overall Width Outside:2,17 m Interior Width (Useful):2.00 m Penetration in the truck:25cm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8 OTC. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 8 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-8 OTC. Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Nivel, Capacitate de 8 t - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

Applications: Specially designed for mixed use, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soil will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks type Plateau or Tautliner, wagons, shipping containers. The + Products: AZ RAMP - EASY XL range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, electric forklifts with 3 wheels or 4 wheels. Total length:12 400 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,050 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 480 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 270 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm
AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-6 RL. Rampă de încărcare mobilă industrială cu protecție laterală - gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

AZ RAMP-PRIME XS-6 RL. Rampă de încărcare mobilă industrială cu protecție laterală - gama PRIME, utilizare industrială

Anti-Slip 2 Lashing Chains, Eccentric Quick Hitch Hook, Double Vulkollan Roller Ramp, 2 Adjustable Support Stands, 1 200 mm Side Safety Rails guard Slopes: Min: 16.94 % - Max: 24.57 % Applications: Specially designed for industrial use, its use on "coated" or "Mac Adam" type surfaces will be very effective. Loading / Unloading trucks of Plateau or Tautliner type, AZ RAMP - PRIME XS range is made of heavy steel, hot dip galvanized. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of material handling equipment, including 3-wheel electric forklifts. Capacity:6 000 Kg Total Length:5.90 m Overall Width Outside:2,25 m Interior Width (Useful):2.10 m Penetration in the truck:30 cm
AZ RAMP-EASY XL-15-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit la Nivel - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

AZ RAMP-EASY XL-15-BCH Rampă Mobilă de Încărcare LARGĂ Cu Tunel Acoperit la Nivel - Rampă Mobilă pentru Doc

Applications: Specially designed for outdoor use on mixed terrain, its use on uneven surfaces such as dirt, gravel, damaged soils will be very efficient Loading / Unloading of Flatbed or Tautliner type trucks, wagons, containers maritime. The + Products: The AZ RAMP - EASY XL-BCH range is made of heavy, hot-dip galvanized steel. Its full access platform will allow you easy access to all types of handling equipment, including electric pallet trucks, pallet stackers, 3-wheel or 4-wheel electric forklifts. The covered tunnel allows the unloading of goods sensitive to weather conditions. Total length:11,850 mm Inclined Plane Length:10,000 mm Horizontal Plan Length:1,850 mm Overall Width Outside:2 260 mm Inside Width (Useful):2 100 mm Penetration in the truck:340 mm